CCUG 52064T - Bermanella marisrubri

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Israel, Red Sea, Gulf of Eilat
Source: Seawater surface
Depositor: J.Pinhassi, University of Kalmar, Sweden
Deposit Date: 2005-11-22
Other Collections: RED65;CECT 7074
ID Method: CCUG<Api Zym, CFA(FAME), 16S rRNA gene seq
Conditions Remarks: Marine agar, aerobic, 25°C, slow grower
DNA Sequence: Whole genome sequence available at http
Isolator: Isol. by J.Pinhassi
Remarks: Grows under the agar surface
Related to Oceanobacter kriegii
Literature Reference:
Show Phenotypic Features In NFX

Phenotypic features in NFX

Tests OX: 000 201001 1110 00
Tests OF: 00000 000000
Tests DEC: 000 000 000
Tests ESC: 000 0000 0000
Tests ASSIM: 0000 0000 0000 0000 00
Api API20NE: 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
Api ZYM: 13243 41111 11111 11111

Show Fatty Acid Data

Fatty Acid Profile

Date: 071119
Remarks: Marine agar,aerobic,30°C
PEAK: RT: ECLs: %: Abbreviation: Fatty Acid:
007 3.185 10.000 8.4 10:0
015 4.278 11.423 7.5 10:0 3OH
019 4.626 11.798 5.9 unknown 11.798
046 7.353 14.000 6.6 14:0
082 10.276 15.819 38.3 16:1 w7c
086 10.580 16.000 19.6 16:0
127 13.772 17.824 13.8 18:1 w7c /12t/9t
Total: 100.0

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