Certificate of Deposit and Availability
The decision made at the IJSEM editorial meeting in Paris, published in the May 2003 issue of IJSEM on page 626, to require proof of deposition and availability of type strains prior to acceptance of manuscripts describing new species, or prior to acceptance for validation in IJSEM, has been implemented in the following way by the CCUG:
Depositors receive information on CCUG accession numbers as soon as the cultures have been freeze-dried (normally 6-10 days). We always make two batches of very fastidious organisms and the accession number will only be available when the second batch is ready, thus for some difficult strict anaerobic or microaerophilic organisms weeks may be needed.
Certificates may be issued when the primary viability and authenticity control has been performed. The certificate will include (the confidential) strain record. In some cases we will ask the depositor to check the authenticity. We prefer to scan and send the certificate as a pdf file. Certificates will be available to the depositor or any of the authors of manuscripts submitted as well as to the IJSEM List Editor.
CCUG Certificate of Deposit and Availability