Prices & Transport

Strains And DNA

All prices exclude packaging and transport

Strain / DNA Fees
Fee for non-fastidious risk group 1 or 2 reference strain SEK 800
Supplement per ampoule of fastidious organism 1 or risk group 3 organism 2 SEK 500
Two ampoules of the same strain SEK 1400
More ampoules of the same strain SEK 400
EUCAST 10 S. pneumoniae QC strains for susceptibility determination SEK 8000
EUCAST 9 P. aeruginosa QC strains for susceptibility determination SEK 7200
Fee for DNA from risk group 1 or 2 strains SEK 1500
Fee for DNA from risk group 3 or fastidious organisms SEK 2500

1 Fastidious organisms have a surcharge of SEK 500 per strain.

2 Hazard/risk group 3 organisms will only be distributed for emergency diagnostic reasons to reference laboratories when we have sufficient ampoules in stock.

Packaging And Transport

There are no duplicate charges when we are unable to deliver all cultures in one shipment

Packaging, invoicing and bank charges

To cover our expenses for packaging invoicing and bank charges, we charge the following:


Abroad we must send the strains with a courier company. If a courier company, FedEx, DHL or World Courier is used for the shipment there will be additional costs.

UN 2814 can only be shipped if you find a courier company that accepts shipment to the country where you are located. This service is often very expensive, due to the risk.

SCHENKER may be used for risk group 3, UN 2814, in Sweden.

If you have an account with any of these companies you can provide us with the account number and we will use that.

The CCUG must comply with prevailing regulations and will determine what is the most appropriate and inexpensive shipping mode.