CCUG 44588T - Slackia exigua

Strain Details

Source: Human necrotic pulp of tooth
Depositor: C.Bizet, CIP, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Passport: E.Hoshino, Niigata School Dent., Niigata City, Japan, strain S-7
Deposit Date: 2000-10-26
Other Collections: CIP 105133;ATCC 700122;
ID Method: CCUG<Api rapidID32an, Api Zym, VPI, GLC, CFA(FAME)
Conditions Remarks: Chocolate or blood agar, anaerobic, 37°C
Remarks: Tiny Gram-positive cocci and short rods
Literature Reference: IJSB 46:1123,1996,ibid 47:243,ibid 49:598
Show Phenotypic Features In ANX

Phenotypic features in ANX

Tests OX: 0110 5102111 000
Tests GROW: 35 11 000 0 0
Tests FERM: 10011 10111 11100 11000 11001 01500 00000
Tests VFA: 2111 1111 1211 1111 00
Api API32AN: 151 111 111 111 111 451 551 454 111 415 00
Api ZYM: 11421 55111 21111 11111

Show Fatty Acid Data

Fatty Acid Profile

Date: 071115
Remarks: Chocolate agar,anaerobic,37°C
PEAK: RT: ECLs: %: Abbreviation: Fatty Acid:
046 7.353 14.000 8.9 14:0
065 8.824 14.949 10.1 16:0 aldehyde
086 10.580 16.000 29.0 16:0
096 11.415 16.481 16.7 17:1 ISO I/16:0 DMA
126 13.675 17.769 35.3 18:1 w9c
Total: 100.0

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