CCUG 41853 - Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Sweden, Sundsvall
Source: Human blood, patient with valves replaced
Depositor: PHL, Sundsvall, Sweden
Deposit Date: 1999-03-03
ID Method: CCUG<Classical phenotyping, Api NH, Api Zym
Name Change: Previously listed as Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
Remarks: Small Gram negative rod, colonies attached to agar surface
Show Phenotypic Features In HAX

Phenotypic features in HAX

Tests OX: 0110
Tests Api_NH: 1 555 111 151 111
Tests PHYS: 433 3113 110 0 11321 10000
Tests NIT: 3 531 11 111 111
Tests ZYM: 15321 51111 52111 11111

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