CCUG 32229T - Lactobacillus acetotolerans

Strain Details

Source: Turbid broth of rice vinegar
Depositor: T.Nakase, JCM, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan
Passport: E.Entani NBI 3014
Deposit Date: 1993-11-08
Other Collections: JCM 3825;DSM 20749;ATCC 43578;LMG 10751;CIP 103180;NCFB 2798;NCIMB 12799;
Resistance Features: Tolerant to 10% acetic acid (pH 5.0)
Conditions Remarks: MRS-agar, pH 5.3, anaerobic, 30°C
Literature Reference: Int J Syst Bacteriol 36:544-549,1986
Show Phenotypic Features In LAX

Phenotypic features in LAX

Tests CAT: 1053 0000 0000 00 0000 00 000000 31 113300000 0 000 00000
Api CORYNE: 131 111 111 111 511 111 111
Api ID32AN: 111 115 211 155 111 511 351 122 111 312
Api RID32S: 111 111 221 252 131 311 111 111 111 131 21 1
CAT50: 1111111111 1434111131 1141111131 1131111111 1111111111

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