CCUG 16075T - Halomonas cupida

Strain Details

Sample Origin: USA, off coast of Oahu Hawaii
Source: Seawater enrichment with allantoin
Depositor: P.Baumann, Univ.of California, Davis, USA
Deposit Date: 1984-09-04
Other Collections: Baumann 79;IAMI 12552;ATCC 27124;LMG 3448;CIP 74.06;103199;NCMB 1978;
ID Method: CCUG<Api 20NE, 16S rRNA gene seq
Conditions Remarks: Marine or blood agar, aerobic, 30°C
Name Change: Formerly Alcaligenes cupidus
Literature Reference: J Bact 110:426,1972|IJSB 33:801,1983

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