Entire Collection
22 025 recordsCCUG Number | Strain | Source | Depositor | Deposit Date |
216 | Aerococcus viridans | Air | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 |
217 | Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. hydrophila | Frog'red-leg' | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 |
218 !# | Burkholderia pseudomallei | Sheep | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 |
219T | Bordetella bronchiseptica | Dog lung | S.P.Lapage, NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 |
220 | Kurthia zopfii | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 | |
221T | Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae | Pig spleen, endocarditis | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 |
222 | Nocardia asteroides | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 | |
223 | Streptococcus anginosus | L.R.Hill, NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 | |
224 | Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida | Mouse epizootic | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 |
225T | Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 | |
226 | Pseudomonas alcaligenes | NCTC, London, U.K. | 1968-10-21 | |
227 | Pseudomonas stutzeri | Chronic leg ulcer | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 |
228 | Achromobacter spanius | Ropy milk | NCTC, London, UK | 1968-10-21 |
237 A | Providencia rettgeri | Human wound, foot | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1968-11-08 |
241 | Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Human urine, 38-yr-old woman, chronic inf for 1 year | PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 1968-11-19 |
242 | Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | University of Lund, Sweden | 1968-01-01 | |
243 | Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | Hare | University of Lund, Sweden | 1968-01-01 |
244 | Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | Mink | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1968-11-01 |
245 | Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | Hare | University of Lund, Sweden | 1968-01-01 |
246 B | Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | Hare | University of Lund, Sweden | 1968-01-01 |
248 | Brevundimonas diminuta | Water | PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1968-11-20 |
250 A | Aeromonas | Water supply | PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1968-11-20 |
264 | Pseudomonas putida | Human urine | Urinary Tract Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1968-01-01 |
269 C | Brevundimonas diminuta | Human urine, 15-yr-old boy | Urinary Tract Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1968-10-01 |
274 B | Comamonas acidovorans | Human urine | Urinary Tract Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1968-12-13 |