Type Strains
3 939 recordsCCUG Number | Strain | Source | Depositor | Deposit Date |
19206T | Actinobaculum suis | Swine cystitis and pyelonephritis | ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1986-09-08 |
39276T | Schaalia suimastitidis | Swine deep mammary abscess, autopsy, mastitis | SVA, Uppsala, Sweden | 1998-04-17 |
46668T | Brachyspira hyodysenteriae | Swine dysentery | Anonymous | 2002-07-09 |
60397 #T | Catenibacterium | Swine feces | T.R.Whitehead, USDA/ARS, Peoria, IL, USA | 2010-10-19 |
24609T | Bifidobacterium choerinum | Swine feces | F.Gavini, INSERM, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France | 1989-05-02 |
62631T | Cloacibacillus porcorum | Swine intestinal tract, caecal mucosa | USA, Iowa, Ames, USDA, Looft T | 2012-05-10 |
9995T | Pasteurella aerogenes | Swine intestine | ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1980-07-15 |
47806T | Uruburuella suis | Swine lung, young animal with lesions of pneumonia | P.A.Lawson, Reading, UK | 2003-06-02 |
37674T | Mycobacterium porcinum | Swine lymph node, lymphadenitis | JCM, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan | 1997-04-02 |
63563T | Savagea faecisuis | Swine manure | T.Whitehead, Peoria, IL, USA | 2012-11-21 |
58235T | Peptostreptococcus russellii | Swine manure from a storage pit | T.R.Whitehead, USDA/ARS, Peoria, IL, USA | 2009-06-01 |
64570T | Peptoniphilus stercorisuis | Swine manure storage | Paul A. Lawson, Oklahoma, USA | 2013-08-01 |
61259T | Enterococcus eurekensis | Swine manure stored in a deep pit | Whitehead T, USDA, Peoria IL, USA | 2011-05-30 |
61260T | Enterococcus lemanii | Swine manure stored in a deep pit | Whitehead T, USDA, Peoria IL, USA | 2011-05-30 |
48729T | Robinsoniella peoriensis | Swine manure, storage pit | T.Whitehead, Peoria, IL, USA | 2004-02-10 |
50528T | Bacteroides coprosuis | Swine manure, storage pit | T.R.Whitehead, USDA/ARS, Peoria, IL, USA | 2005-01-14 |
46279T | Hespellia stercorisuis | Swine manure, stored | T.R.Whitehead, USDA, Peoria, USA | 2002-03-22 |
30137T | Amylolactobacillus amylophilus | Swine waste-corn fermentation | D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1992-05-14 |
6509T | Staphylococcus hyicus | Swine, impetigo contagiosa | NCTC, London, UK | 1977-10-03 |
33309T | Enterococcus dispar | Synovial fluid | B.Phillips, NCFB, Reading, UK | 1994-09-08 |
47791T | Helicobacter aurati | Syrian hamster cecum | J.Tang, ATCC, Manassas, USA | 2003-05-27 |
14279T | Pseudomonas syringae | Syringa vulgaris | K.Kersters, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1983-09-12 |
29665T | Legionella anisa | Tap water | NCTC, London, UK | 1992-01-30 |
29673T | Legionella santicrucis | Tap water | NCTC, London, UK | 1992-01-30 |
56441T | Legionella steigerwaltii | Tap water | C.Bizet, CIP, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France | 2008-05-21 |
45561T | Acinetobacter venetianus | Tar on beach | L.Dijkshoorn, LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands | 2001-08-21 |
34226T | Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans | Tar-sand mixture in waterlogged clay | DSM, Braunschweig, Germany | 1995-04-03 |
55431T | Azospirillum picis | Tar, discarded road tar | A.F.Yassin, University, Bonn, Germany | 2007-11-05 |
58238T | Staphylococcus devriesei | Teat apex, healthy dairy heifer | Karlien Supré, Vet.Med., Merelbeke, Belgium | 2009-06-01 |
49949T | Fructobacillus durionis | Tempoyak | M.Vancanneyt, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 2004-09-22 |
53831T | Enterococcus termitis | Termite gut | D.Nováková, CCM, Brno, Czech Republic | 2006-12-04 |
29255T | Helicobacter pametensis | Tern feces | F.E.Dewhirst, FDC, Boston, USA | 1991-10-23 |
69707T | Acinetobacter pakistanensis | Textile dyeing wastewater treatment pond | A.Nemec, Prague, Czech Republic | 2016-10-17 |
32781T | Ralstonia syzygii | The clove tree, xylem tissues (Syzygium aromaticum) | D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1994-03-29 |
44894T | Legionella gratiana | Thermal spa water | C.Bizet, CIP, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France | 2001-02-15 |
66516T | Streptococcus rubneri | Throat, healthy human volunteer | DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2014-10-29 |
47451T | Mycobacterium mucogenicum | Thyroglossal duct cyst | R.Pukall, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2003-02-26 |
30457T | Afipia clevelandensis | Tibial biopsy | D.J.Brenner & R.E.Weaver, CDC, Atlanta, USA | 1992-08-19 |
61890T | Algoriphagus chungangensis | Tidal flat | Kim W, Chung-Ang Univ, Seoul, Korea | 2011-11-21 |
55590T | Exiguobacterium aestuarii | Tidal flat | S.Gronow, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2007-12-06 |
55324T | Muricauda lutimaris | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, Daejon, Korea | 2007-10-09 |
55325T | Roseovarius aestuarii | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, Daejon, Korea | 2007-10-09 |
55326T | Jannaschia seohaensis | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, Daejon, Korea | 2007-10-09 |
55328T | Seohaeicola saemankumensis | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, Daejon, Korea | 2007-10-09 |
55329T | Aestuariicola saemankumensis | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, Daejon, Korea | 2007-10-09 |
55760T | Lutimaribacter saemankumensis | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIB, Taejon, Korea | 2008-01-14 |
55761 #T | Jannaschia saemankumensis | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIB, Taejon, Korea | 2008-01-14 |
58399T | Photobacterium gaetbulicola | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIBB, Taejon, Korea | 2009-07-09 |
59129T | Paenibacillus chungangensis | Tidal flat sediment | Wonyong Kim, CAU, Seoul, South Korea | 2010-01-05 |
59777T | Serinicoccus chungangensis | Tidal flat sediment | Kim WY, Chung-Ang Univ, Seoul, Korea | 2010-05-21 |
60022T | Lutibacter aestuarii | Tidal flat sediment | Yoon J-H, KRIBB, Taejon, Korea | 2010-07-26 |
57109T | Kribbia dieselivorans | Tidal flat sediment | Mitsuo Sakamoto, JCM, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan | 2008-10-06 |
57524T | Lutibacter maritimus | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIBB, Taejon, South Korea | 2009-01-05 |
57608T | Algoriphagus lutimaris | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIBB, Taejon, South Korea | 2009-01-22 |
57612T | Marivita byunsanensis | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIBB, Taejon, South Korea | 2009-01-22 |
57754T | Pseudoruegeria lutimaris | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIBB, Taejon, South Korea | 2009-02-26 |
57755T | Roseivivax lentus | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIBB, Taejon, South Korea | 2009-02-26 |
60742T | Mucilaginibacter lutimaris | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIBB, Taejon, Korea | 2011-01-18 |
60743T | Alteromonas lutimaris | Tidal flat sediment | Yoon J-H, Sungkyunkwan Univ, Suwon, Korea | 2011-01-18 |
60800T | Muricauda beolgyonensis | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, KRIBB, Taejon, Korea | 2011-02-01 |
60898T | Salinimicrobium gaetbulicola | Tidal flat sediment | Yoon J-H, KRIBB, Daejeon, Korea | 2011-02-25 |
60900T | Shewanella seohaensis | Tidal flat sediment | Yoon J-H, KRIBB, Daejeon, Korea | 2011-02-25 |
61504T | Gaetbulibacter lutimaris | Tidal flat sediment | Yoon J-H, KRIBB, Daejeon, Korea | 2011-08-01 |
62217T | Kangiella sediminilitoris | Tidal flat sediment | Yoon J-H, Sungkyunkwan Univ, South Korea | 2012-01-24 |
62411T | Shewanella litorisediminis | Tidal flat sediment | South Korea, Suwon, Sungkyunkwan Univ, Yoon JH | 2012-03-19 |
63829T | Aestuariihabitans beolgyonensis | Tidal flat sediment | Jung-Hoon Yoon, SKKU, Suwon, South Korea | 2013-01-28 |
76188T | Scandinavium tedordense | Tilia tree, weeping lesion | UK, UWE, Bristol, Maddock Daniel | 2022-03-28 |
14551T | Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. hydrophila | Tin of milk with a fishy odour | NCTC, London, UK | 1983-11-21 |
21532T | Lentilactobacillus buchneri | Tomato pulp | CCM, Brno, Czechoslovakia | 1987-12-04 |
46042T | Leuconostoc gelidum subsp. gasicomitatum | Tomato-marinated broiler meat strips | D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 2002-01-10 |
65456T | Corynebacterium tapiri | Tonsil of a South American Tapir(Tapirus terrestri | H.-J.Busse, Wien, Austria | 2014-02-10 |
66515T | Klebsiella michiganensis | Tooth brush holder | DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2014-10-29 |
55632T | Chelonobacter oris | Tortoise mouth, choanae, Testudo hermanni | Henrik Christensen, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2007-12-12 |
53180 #T | Mycoplasmopsis agassizii | Tortoise nares, Gopherus agassizii, U Resp T disease | D.R.Brown, Gainesville, Florida, USA | 2006-06-30 |
47445T | Mycobacterium chelonae | Tortoise tubercle | R.Pukall, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2003-02-26 |