Type Strains
3 939 recordsCCUG Number | Strain | Source | Depositor | Deposit Date |
43291T | Salinicoccus roseus | Solar saltern | Z.Pácová, CCM, Brno, Czech Republic | 2000-02-15 |
32772T | Robbsia andropogonis | Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench | D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1994-03-29 |
50787T | Lactiplantibacillus argentoratensis | Sour cassava (fufu) | F.Bringel, ULP, Strasbourg, France | 2005-03-29 |
33456T | Limosilactobacillus pontis | Sour dough | D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1994-10-20 |
47583T | Mycobacterium septicum | Source not available | June M.Brown, CDC, Atlanta, USA | 2003-04-02 |
30797T | Citrobacter murliniae | Source not known | R.E.Weaver, CDC, Atlanta, USA | 1992-11-20 |
16446T | Providencia heimbachae | Source unknown | H.Müller, Braunschweig, Germany | 1984-09-13 |
20993T | Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. abscessus | Source unknown | M.Ridell & A.Lind, Univ. of Göteborg, Sweden | 1987-08-25 |
24695T | Ochrobactrum (Brucella) anthropi | Source unknown | K.Kersters, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1989-05-18 |
4312T | Kocuria rosea | Source unknown | NCTC, London, UK | 1975-03-21 |
4853T | Clostridium fallax | Source unknown | NCTC, London, UK | 1976-03-26 |
7321T | Myroides odoratus | Source unknown | NCTC, London, UK | 1978-08-01 |
43349T | Companilactobacillus paralimentarius | Sourdough | D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 2000-03-06 |
62990T | Lacticaseibacillus songhuajiangensis | Sourdough | Chuntao Gu, Harbin, NEAU, China | 2012-08-13 |
62994T | Enterobacter hormaechei ss xiangfangensis | Sourdough | Chuntao Gu, Harbin, NEAU, China | 2012-08-13 |
53174T | Companilactobacillus crustorum | Sourdough | I.Scheirlinck, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 2006-06-29 |
52843T | Levilactobacillus namurensis | Sourdough based on wheat, rye and spelt flour | I.Scheirlinck, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 2006-04-24 |
12395T | Actinobacillus rossii | Sow, vaginal discharge | W.Frederiksen, SSI, Copenhagen, Denmark | 1982-05-01 |
27876T | Bradyrhizobium japonicum | Soy bean, Glycine hispida, nodule | D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1991-01-25 |
27877T | Sinorhizobium fredii | Soy bean, Glycine max, root nodule | D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1991-01-25 |
39902T | Staphylococcus condimenti | Soy sauce mash | DSM, Braunschweig, Germany | 1998-10-09 |
58049T | Microlunatus soli | Spawm used for growing edible mushroom | P.Kämpfer, Giessen, Germany | 2009-04-28 |
39182T | Mycobacterium cookii | Sphagnum moss | DSM, Braunschweig, Germany | 1998-03-30 |
76579T | Cronobacter condimenti | Spiced meat | N R Aznar, CECT, Valencia, Spain | 2022-09-21 |
11256T | Pseudomonas stutzeri | Spinal fluid | ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1981-06-26 |
345T | Neisseria flavescens | Spinal fluid, fatal case of meningitis | K.Bövre, Oslo, Norway | 1969-02-01 |
11736T | Sphingobacterium multivorum | Spleen | NCTC, London, UK | 1981-10-01 |
30453T | Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii | Spleen of vole | D.J.Brenner & R.E.Weaver, CDC, Atlanta, USA | 1992-08-19 |
46828T | Nocardia seriolae | Spleen of yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) | C.Bizet, CIP, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France | 2002-08-30 |
49566T | Thermoanaerobacter mathranii subsp. alimentarius | Spoiled canned food | C.Bizet, CIP, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France | 2004-07-16 |
73526T | Vagococcus penaei | Spoiled cooked shrimp (Pennaeus vannamei) | P.L.Shewmaker, CDC, Atlanta, USA | 2019-02-25 |
30534T | Clostridium putrefaciens | Spoiled cured ham | NCTC, London, UK | 1992-09-08 |
4989T | Vibrio alginolyticus | Spoiled horse mackerel, causing food poisoning | M.Kocur, CCM, Brno, Czechoslovakia | 1976-05-24 |
13445T | Vibrio alginolyticus | Spoiled horse mackerel, causing food poisoning | ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1983-04-05 |
16315T | Vibrio alginolyticus | Spoiled horse mackerel, causing food poisoning | P.Baumann, Univ.of California, Davis, USA | 1984-09-04 |
43036T | Aerosphaera taetra | Spoiled industrial paint | Anonymous, Sweden | 1999-12-02 |
48885T | Propionibacterium cyclohexanicum | Spoiled orange juice | C.Bizet, CIP, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France | 2004-03-11 |
46540T | Halopseudomonas pachastrellae | Sponge (Pachastrella sp), a depth of 350 meter | L.A.Romanenko, KMM, Vladivostok, Russia | 2002-06-04 |
55175T | Chromobacterium aquaticum | Spring water | P.Kämpfer, Giessen, Germany | 2007-09-07 |
43190T | Pseudomonas libanensis | Spring water | C.Bizet, CIP, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France | 2000-01-24 |
49732T | Thermodesulfomicrobium thermophilum | Spring, geothermal | M.-L.Fardeau & B.Ollivier, Marseille, France | 2004-09-10 |
76343T | Pseudomonas abieticivorans | Spruce bark | Ristinmaa, Chalmers, Gbg, SE | 2022-06-20 |
43137T | Paenibacillus borealis | Spruce humus | Seija Elo, Helsinki, Finland | 2000-01-10 |
3718T | Haemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus | Sputum | NCTC, London, U.K. | 1974-07-14 |
4944 BT | Prevotella melaninogenica | Sputum | ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1976-04-25 |
45679T | Pandoraea capi | Sputum, 71-year-old female with pneumoniae | T.Coenye/P.Vandamme/D.Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 2001-09-19 |
72817T | Bifidobacterium samirii | Squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis peruviensis) | M.Ventura, Parma, Italy | 2018-09-14 |
30110T | Staphylococcus kloosii | Squirrel skin | I.Sedlácek, CCM, Brno, Czechoslovakia | 1992-05-08 |
49584T | Pseudochrobactrum kiredjianiae | Stainless steel vent cover, seafood processing plan | Els Maas, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand | 2004-07-27 |
58051T | Microbacterium agarici | Stalk of the mushroom Agaricus brasiliensi | P.Kämpfer, Giessen, Germany | 2009-04-28 |
58052T | Microbacterium humi | Stalk of the mushroom Agaricus brasiliensi | P.Kämpfer, Giessen, Germany | 2009-04-28 |
58053T | Microbacterium pseudoresistens | Stalk of the mushroom Agaricus brasiliensi | P.Kämpfer, Giessen, Germany | 2009-04-28 |
52546T | Chryseobacterium ureilyticum | Steel surface of a beer bottling plant | André Lipski, Univ. of Osnabrück, Germany | 2006-02-27 |
52547T | Chryseobacterium molle | Steel surface of a beer bottling plant | André Lipski, Univ. of Osnabrück, Germany | 2006-02-27 |
52548T | Chryseobacterium pallidum | Steel surface of a beer bottling plant | André Lipski, Univ. of Osnabrück, Germany | 2006-02-27 |
52549T | Chryseobacterium gambrini | Steel surface of a beer-bottling plant | André Lipski, Univ. of Osnabrück, Germany | 2006-02-27 |
70277 #T | Acinetobacter libanensis | Stool of cow | A.Nemec, Prague, Czech Republic | 2017-02-17 |
51432T | Vagococcus elongatus | Stored swine manure | T.Whitehead, Peoria, IL, USA | 2005-07-14 |
47525T | Corynebacterium ciconiae | Stork trachea, black healthy stork (Ciconia nigra) | M.D.Collins, Univ. of Reading, Reading, UK | 2003-03-18 |
27643T | Enterococcus saccharolyticus | Straw bedding | Y.Cerisier, CIP, Paris, France | 1990-12-14 |
33311T | Enterococcus saccharolyticus | Straw bedding | B.Phillips, NCFB, Reading, UK | 1994-09-08 |
29672T | Legionella sainthelensi | Stream water | NCTC, London, UK | 1992-01-30 |
5912 #T | Leptospira biflexa | Stream water | ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1976-07-02 |
59847T | Flavobacterium aquidurense | Stream water | DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2010-06-08 |
17826T | Streptococcus sanguinis | Subacute bacterial endocarditis | J.Henrichsen, SSI, Copenhagen, Denmark | 1985-08-02 |
4441T | Moraxella lacunata | Subacute conjunctivitis | R.Chatelain, CIP, Paris, France | 1975-05-01 |
47452T | Mycobacterium haemophilum | Subcutaneous granuloma | R.Pukall, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2003-02-26 |
27827T | Prevotella heparinolytica | Subgingival dental plaque | R.Gherna, ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1991-01-21 |
45371T | Olsenella profusa | Subgingival plaque in adult with periodontitis | J.Downes, Guys Hospital, London, UK | 2001-05-01 |
44933T | Selenomonas sputigena | Subgingival sulcus | DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2001-02-20 |
56306T | Novosphingobium subterraneum | Subsurface core at 180 m depth | DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2008-04-21 |
56305T | Novosphingobium stygium | Subsurface core at 359 m depth | DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2008-04-21 |
56304T | Novosphingobium aromaticivorans | Subsurface cretaceous age formation at 410 m depth | DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2008-04-21 |
66188T | Dysgonomonas termitidis | Subterranean termite gut, Reticulitermes speratus | M.Sakamoto, JCM, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan | 2014-08-06 |
7967T | Laceyella sacchari | Sugar cane bagasse | NCTC, London, UK | 1978-09-01 |
24088T | Cellulomonas uda | Sugarcane field | M.-L.Suihko, VTT, Espoo, Finland | 1989-03-08 |
59972T | Stenotrophomonas pavanii | Sugarcane plant stem, organic cultivated | C.Vereecke, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 2010-07-05 |
54298T | Paraburkholderia tropica | Sugarcane, roots | C.Vereecke, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 2007-01-26 |
57114T | Vibrio gazogenes | Sulfide-containing mud from a saltwater marsh | Mitsuo Sakamoto, JCM, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan | 2008-10-06 |
46591T | Peptoniphilus indolicus | Summer mastitis in cattle | Z.Pácová, CCM, Brno, Czech Republic | 2002-06-19 |
30450T | Kingella oralis | Supra-gingival plaque, adult periodontitis | F.E.Dewhirst, FDC, Boston, USA | 1992-07-23 |
54624T | Pannonibacter phragmitetus | Surface of decomposing reed rhizomes | B.J.Tindall, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2007-03-30 |
62419 #T | Luteolibacter cuticulihirudensis | Surface of juvenile leech (Hirudo medicinalis) | Kämpfer P, Univ Giessen, Germany | 2012-03-20 |
73812T | Acinetobacter terrestris | Surface of limestone | A.Nemec, NIH, Prague, Czech Republic | 2019-07-15 |
55508T | Bavariicoccus seileri | Surface of mature German red smear soft cheese | V.Schmidt & S.Scherer, ZIEL, TUM, Freising, Germany | 2007-11-23 |
51504T | Pseudomonas graminis | Surface plant material from a mixed meadow | DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2005-08-05 |
74322T | Winogradskyella vidalii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles | 2020-01-27 |
74323T | Winogradskyella forsetii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-06-10 |
74324T | Winogradskyella costae | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles | 2020-01-27 |
74330T | Winogradskyella schleiferi | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74332T | Winogradskyella ursingii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74333T | Winogradskyella helgolandensis | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
61508T | Novosphingobium fuchskuhlense | Surface water | Glaeser S, Univ Giessen, Giessen, DE | 2011-08-01 |
66137T | Hydromonas duriensis | Surface water | C.Manaia, UCP, Porto, Portugal | 2014-07-22 |
59864T | Micrococcus yunnanensis | Surface-sterilized Polyspora axillaris roots | Elke Lang, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2010-06-09 |
59863T | Micrococcus endophyticus | Surface-sterilized roots of Aquilaria sinensis | Elke Lang, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany | 2010-06-09 |
62394T | Castellaniella hirudinis | Surface, juvenile leech | Kämpfer P, Univ Giessen, Germany | 2012-03-14 |
62505T | Niabella drilacis | Surface, juvenile leech | P.Kämpfer, Giessen, Germany | 2012-04-05 |
62507T | Niabella hirudinis | Surface, juvenile leech | P.Kämpfer, Giessen, Germany | 2012-04-05 |
52530T | Aerococcus suis | Swine brain, meningitis | A.I.Vela, Univ.Complutense, Madrid, Spain | 2006-02-22 |