Entire Collection
21 852 recordsCCUG Number | Strain | Source | Depositor | Deposit Date |
16516 | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human wound, 39-yr-old man, open foot fracture | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1984-09-25 |
16566 | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human secretion, 38-yr-old woman | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1984-10-10 |
18251 | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human blood, 79-yr-old woman | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1985-12-27 |
20074 | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human nasopharynx, 13-yr-old boy | R.Brönnestam, PHL, Skövde, Sweden | 1987-02-04 |
24594 | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human tibia, aspirate, 12-yr-old boy | A.Åkesson, PHL, Halmstad, Sweden | 1989-04-28 |
23830 B | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human central venous catheter, 54-yr-old man | K.Eriksson, HICL, PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1989-01-23 |
21358 | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human sperms, infertility | B.Claesson, PHL, Skövde, Sweden | 1987-10-23 |
1779T | Acidovorax delafieldii | Soil, enrichment with PHB as sole carbon source | ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1972-07-20 |
11056 | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human, pus, cement-femur | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1981-05-14 |
11062 | Acidovorax delafieldii | Human trachea, baby | Resp.Tract.Dept., PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 1981-05-18 |
2113T | Acidovorax facilis | Lawn soil | ATCC, Rockville, USA | 1972-12-29 |
17394T | Acidovorax konjaci | Amorphophallus rivieri cv. Konjac | LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1985-02-13 |
63251 | Acidovorax soli | Industry water | Anonymous | 2012-09-25 |
49687 | Acidovorax soli | Industry, water | Björklund M, Borlänge, Sweden | 2004-09-01 |
49751 | Acidovorax temperans | Human trachea, 77-yr-old patient | Transplant Dept., PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2004-09-13 |
16573 | Acidovorax temperans | Human secretion, cervix, 42-yr-old female patient | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1984-10-11 |
17140 | Acidovorax temperans | Human drain, joint aspirate, 2-yr-old girl | L.Sjöberg, PHLS, Örebro, Sweden | 1984-11-26 |
17727 A | Acidovorax temperans | Human urine | D.Monget, LRA, La Balme-les-Grottes, France | 1985-06-26 |
11779T | Acidovorax temperans | Human urine | Urinary Tract Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1981-11-23 |
18335 | Acidovorax temperans | Water, warm tap water in hospital | Hosp.Inf.Ctrl.Lab., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1986-01-21 |
18338 | Acidovorax temperans | Water, warm tap water, toilette | Hosp.Inf.Ctrl.Lab., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1986-01-21 |
18350 | Acidovorax temperans | Tap water | Hosp.Inf.Ctrl.Lab., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1986-01-20 |
18750 | Acidovorax temperans | Human blood, 75-yr-old man | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1986-04-08 |
29363 | Acidovorax temperans | Wound secretion | ATCC, Rockville, U.S.A. | 1988-03-25 |
10556 | Acidovorax temperans | Hospital tap water | Hospital Infect.Ctrl.Lab., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1981-02-05 |
2168 B | Acidovorax temperans | Dialysis equipment | Hospital Infect., Göteborg, Sweden | 1973-01-29 |
3688 A | Acidovorax temperans | Active sludge | Rya water purification plant, Göteborg, Sweden | 1974-06-26 |
3746 A | Acidovorax temperans | Dialysis equipment | PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 1974-08-01 |
9443 A | Acidovorax temperans | Human liver, autopsy fetus ? | General Diagnostic Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 1980-02-08 |
30812 | Acidovorax temperans | Human newborn, liver, autopsy, sepsis ? | U.-B.Stolt, Uppsala, Sweden | 1992-11-25 |
60147 | Acidovorax temperans | Water, industry | Anonymous, Sweden | 2010-08-20 |
61165 | Acidovorax temperans | Human infection, 41-yr-old woman or contaminant ? | Trpl Dept, PHLS, SU, Göteborg, Sweden | 2011-05-02 |
21716 | Acidovorax temperans | Unknown | A.Willems, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1988-01-12 |
21717 | Acidovorax temperans | Human blood | A.Willems, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1988-01-12 |
22192 | Acidovorax temperans | Human wound, 68-yr-old man | H.Gnarpe, PHL, Gävle, Sweden | 1988-03-24 |
22215 | Acidovorax temperans | Human wound secretion, 76-yr-old woman | H.Gnarpe, PHL, Gävle, Sweden | 1988-03-25 |
23689 | Acidovorax temperans | Human bronchial secretion, 72-yr-old man | PHLS, Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden | 1988-12-15 |
24954 | Acidovorax temperans | Well water | A.Willems, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1989-07-18 |
24955 | Acidovorax temperans | Human cerebrospinal fluid | A.Willems, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1989-07-18 |
24957 | Acidovorax temperans | Lab sink drain | A.Willems, LMG, Gent, Belgium | 1989-07-18 |
56561 | Acidovorax temperans | Human blood, 62-yr-old woman, cancer | Uppsala, Sweden | 2008-06-11 |
52951 | Acidovorax temperans | Industry, water | Anonymous, Sweden | 2006-05-16 |
53823 | Acidovorax temperans | Human abscess | Regionsykehuset, Tromsö, Norway | 2006-12-01 |
29503 | Acinetobacter | Human blood | T.Magnusson, Uppsala, Sweden | 1991-12-10 |
56074 | Acinetobacter | Human blood, 41-yr-old woman, intraabdominal abscess | PHLS, Karlstad, Sweden | 2008-03-13 |
33867 | Acinetobacter | Well water | L.Larsson, Hosp.Inf.Contr.Lab., Göteborg, Sweden | 1995-02-06 |
55620 | Acinetobacter - Turton et al. GU245962 | Human blood, 36-yr-old woman | PHLS, Västerås, Sweden | 2007-12-11 |
67281T | Acinetobacter albensis | Water with organic detritus from a forest pool | A.Nemec, NIH, , Prague, Czech Republic | 2015-05-04 |
76274 | Acinetobacter amyesii | Mud of thebank of a seasonal forest creek | A.Nemec, Prague, Czech Republic | 2022-05-13 |
69584T | Acinetobacter apis | Honey bee, intestinal tract (Apis mellifera) | KR, KACC, Kwon Soon-Wo | 2016-09-26 |