Entire Collection
21 852 recordsCCUG Number | Strain | Source | Depositor | Deposit Date |
74259 | Aspergillus fumigatus | Human BAL-fluid | SSI, Copenhagen, DK | 2020-01-10 |
74260T | Pseudomonas sivasensis | Rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum | ES, Palma, Garcia-Valdes Elena | 2020-01-10 |
74288 | Haemophilus influenzae | Human sputum, 45-yr-old female | Sputum Dept., PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-01-15 |
74293T | Eikenella glucosivorans | Human clinical sample | DE, Rostock, IMIKRO, Buhl Michael | 2020-01-16 |
74294T | Parvimonas parva | Human clinical sample | DE, Rostock, IMIKRO, Buhl Michael | 2020-01-16 |
74314 | Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. undetermined | Human blood, 60-yr-old female | PHLS, Linköping, Sweden | 2020-01-22 |
74317 | Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis | Human blood, 59-yr-old male | EQUALIS, Linköping, Sweden | 2020-01-23 |
74320 | Winogradskyella undariae | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74321 | Winogradskyella forsetii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74322T | Winogradskyella vidalii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles | 2020-01-27 |
74323T | Winogradskyella forsetii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-06-10 |
74324T | Winogradskyella costae | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles | 2020-01-27 |
74327 | Winogradskyella pacifica | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74328 | Winogradskyella forsetii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74329 | Winogradskyella undariae | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74330T | Winogradskyella schleiferi | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74331 | Winogradskyella helgolandensis | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74332T | Winogradskyella ursingii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74333T | Winogradskyella helgolandensis | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-01-27 |
74334 | Winogradskyella forsetii | Surface seawater | E, Illes Balears, Esporles, | 2020-06-10 |
74336 | Pseudomonas fragi | Human sputum, cystic fibrosis, 11-yr-old male | Trpl Dept, PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-01-29 |
74341 | Bacillus smithii | Industry | Anonymous | 2020-01-31 |
74348 | Neisseria animaloris | Human tissue, 58-yr-old male | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-02-03 |
74357 | Elizabethkingia anophelis | Human trachea, 12-yr-old female | Sputum Dept., PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-02-05 |
74360 | Klebsiella oxytoca | Human urine, 81-yr-old male | K.Wåhlander, PHLS, Linköping, Sweden | 2020-02-05 |
74371T | Streptococcus vicugnae | Rectal swab from alpaca(Vicugna pacos) | US, FDA, Silver Spring, Volokhov | 2020-02-05 |
74372 | Streptococcus phocae | Lung swab from California sea lion | US, FDA, Silver Spring, Volokhov | 2020-02-05 |
74373T | Neisseria zalophi | Oral cavity from California sea lion | US, FDA, Silver Spring, Volokhov | 2020-02-05 |
74374T | Streptococcus zalophi | Lung swab from California sea lion | US, FDA, Silver Spring, Volokhov | 2020-02-05 |
74379 A | Siphonobacter curvatus | Industry | Anonymous, Sweden | 2020-02-06 |
74407 | Nocardia cyriacigeorgica | Human sputum | Respiratory Tract.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-02-10 |
74411 | Christensenella hongkongensis | Human blood, 84-yr-old Male | PHL, Karlstad, Sweden | 2020-02-11 |
74428 | Veillonella infantium | Human blood, 10-month-old male baby | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-02-13 |
74437 | Amedibacterium intestinale | Human blood, 77-yr-old | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-02-19 |
74452 | Lacrimispora celerecrescens | Human , 64-yr-old patient | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-02-19 |
74466T | Corynebacterium trachiae | Trachea of a white stork | CIP, Paris, France | 2020-02-20 |
74467T | Corynebacterium pelargi | Trachea of a white stork (Ciconia ciconia) | CIP, Paris, France | 2020-02-20 |
74468T | Vibrio metoecus | Coastal brackish ponds | CIP, Paris, France | 2020-02-20 |
74535 | Brevundimonas naejangsanensis | Human part of shunt-tube, 40-yr-old female | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-03-05 |
74546 | Parabacteroides goldsteinii | Human wound, 65-yr-old female | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-03-09 |
74550 | Capnocytophaga sputigena | Human blood, 1-yr-old female | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-03-12 |
74551 | Mediterraneibacter gnavus | Human hip prothesis, 86-yr-old | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-03-12 |
74553 | Dermacoccus nishinomiyaensis | Human blood, 80-yr-old female | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-03-16 |
74557 | Achromobacter insuavis | Human BAL, 62-yr-old female | Sputum Dept., PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-03-17 |
74571 | Alistipes putredinis | Human blood, 75-yr-old male | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-03-20 |
74597T | Veillonella nakazawae | Human saliva, healthy child | JP, Fukushima, Ohu Univ, I Mashima | 2020-04-06 |
74607 | Mediterraneibacter gnavus | Human blood, 53-yr-old | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-04-09 |
74625T | Acinetobacter geminorum | Human throat swab | DE, Tübingen, Oberhettinger P | 2020-04-23 |
74645 | Streptococcus pyogenes | Human blood, 70-yr-old patient | PHLS, Linköping, Sweden | 2020-05-05 |
74649 | Cytobacillus horneckiae | Industry, product | Anonymous | 2020-05-07 |
74655T | Streptococcus pacificus | Lung swab from sea lion(Zalophus californianus) | US, FDA, Silver Spring, Volokhov | 2020-05-11 |
74657T | Mannheimia pernigra | Nasopharyngeal swab from male calf | A.Burnens, Berne, Switzerland | 2020-05-11 |
74661 | Bacteroides salyersiae | Human blood, 78-yr-old male | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-05-15 |
74665T | Listeria rustica | Water | US, Ithaca, Cornell Uni, Wiedmann M | 2020-05-18 |
74666T | Listeria immobilis | Soil | US, Ithaca, Cornell Uni, Wiedmann M | 2020-05-18 |
74667T | Listeria cossartiae subsp. cossartiae | Soil | US, Ithaca, Cornell Uni, Wiedmann M | 2020-05-18 |
74668T | Listeria farberii | Soil | Wiedmann, Cornell Uni, Ithaca, US | 2020-05-18 |
74670T | Listeria cossartiae subsp. cayugensis | Soil | US, Ithaca, Cornell Uni, Wiedmann M | 2020-05-18 |
74671T | Listeria portnoyii | Soil | Wiedmann, Cornell Uni, Ithaca, US | 2020-05-18 |
74674 | Sanguibacteroides justensenii | Human blood, 80-yr-old male | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-05-22 |
74675 | Acinetobacter variabilis | Human blood, 84-yr-old male | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-05-22 |
74677 | Achromobacter xylosoxidans | Human sputum, cystic fibrosis, 40-yr-old female | Trpl Dept, PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-05-25 |
74678 | Providencia stuartii | Human trachea, 64-yr-old male | Sputum Dept., PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-05-26 |
74704 | Anaerococcus vaginalis | Human abscess, neck, 79-yr-old male | Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-06-15 |
74734 B | Fannyhessea vaginae | Human blood, 68-yr-old | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-07-23 |
74735 | Mediterraneibacter gnavus | Human blood, 78-yr-old | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-07-23 |
74739 | Acinetobacter courvalinii | Human sputum, cystic fibrosis, 16-yr-old male | Trpl Dept, PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-07-27 |
74752 | Actinotignum urinale | Human blood, 78-yr-old female | PHL, Gävle, Sweden | 2020-08-07 |
74754T | Pseudomonas lalucatii | Rock | ES, Palma, Garcia-Valdes Elena | 2020-08-07 |
74755T | Pseudomonas anatoliensis | Rainbow trout | Duman, Uludag Univ.Bursa, Turkey | 2020-08-07 |
74756T | Pseudomonas danubii | Water, river | Kittinger, Medical Univ.Graz, AT | 2020-08-07 |
74761 | Campylobacter concisus | Human blood, 75-yr-old patient | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-08-10 |
74764T | Chitinibacter bivalviorum | Gut of a clam, Anodonta arcaeformis | Korea, Seoul, Kyung Hee Univ, Bae | 2020-08-13 |
74766T | Tessaracoccus palaemonis | Gut of fresh water shrimp | Korea, Seoul, Kyung Hee Univ, Bae | 2020-08-13 |
74767T | Nocardioides palaemonis | Gut of fresh water shrimp | Korea, Seoul, Kyung Hee Univ, Bae | 2020-08-13 |
74789T | Staphylococcus caledonicus | Healthy domestic dog, multi-site swab | UK, Edinburgh, Paterson Gavin | 2020-08-25 |
74790T | Staphylococcus canis | Healthy domestic dog, multi-site swab | UK, Edinburgh, Paterson Gavin | 2020-08-25 |
74795T | Gulosibacter hominis | Human, inner ear | CH, USB Basel, Goldenberger D | 2020-08-27 |
74796T | Pseudoclavibacter triregionum | Human blood | Goldenberger, USB Basel, CH | 2020-08-27 |
74868 | Pseudomonas lalucatii | Cave water | ES, Palma, Garcia-Valdes Elena | 2020-09-25 |
74869 | Pseudomonas lalucatii | Cave rock surface | ES, Palma, Garcia-Valdes Elena | 2020-09-25 |
74870T | Pseudomonas iridis | Rainbow trout | TR, Bursa Uludag Univ, Duman M | 2020-09-24 |
74871T | Pseudomonas piscicola | Rainbow trout | TR, Bursa Uludag Univ, Duman M | 2020-09-24 |
74872T | Pseudomonas arcuscaelestis | Rainbow trout | TR, Bursa Uludag Univ, Duman M | 2020-09-24 |
74873T | Pseudomonas pisciculturae | Rainbow trout, fish farm | TR, Bursa Uludag Univ.Duman M | 2020-09-24 |
74874T | Pseudomonas mucoides | Rainbow trout, fish farm | TR, Bursa Uludag Univ, Duman M | 2020-09-24 |
74875T | Pseudomonas neuropathica | Rainbow trout | TR, Bursa Uludag Univ, Duman M | 2020-09-24 |
74926 | Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans | Human blood, endocarditis, 27-yr-old patient | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-10-09 |
74948 | Trichophyton indotineae | Human skin | DK, Copenhagen, SSI | 2020-10-14 |
74971 | Trichophyton rubrum | Human skin | DK, Copenhagen, SSI | 2020-10-20 |
74972 | Corynebacterium curieae | Industry, environment | Anonymous, Sweden | 2020-10-21 |
74975 B | Fusobacterium vincentii | Human blood, 40-yr-old patient | Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-10-26 |
74978 | Acinetobacter higginsii | Human sputum, cystic fibrosis, 24-yr-old | Trpl Dept, PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden | 2020-10-27 |
74982T | Brevundimonas pondensis | Pondwater surface | Friedrich, Univ Göttingen, DE | 2020-10-28 |
74983T | Brevundimonas goettingensis | Puddlewater surface | Friedrich, Göttingen, DE | 2020-10-28 |
74987 | Staphylococcus aureus | Human wound | Darenberg, EQUALIS, FOHM, Solna, Sweden | 2020-10-30 |
74988 | Staphylococcus aureus | Human blood | S, Solna, FOHM, Equalis | 2020-10-30 |
74989 | Staphylococcus aureus | Human wound, hand | S, Solna, FOHM, Equalis | 2020-10-30 |
74990 | Staphylococcus argenteus | Human wound | S, Solna, FOHM, Equalis, Darenberg J | 2020-10-30 |
74991 | Staphylococcus capitis | Human catheter | S, Solna, FOHM, Equalis, Darenberg J | 2020-10-30 |